Krudo Bisceglie
Bisceglie (36.5km)
from 30€ to 60€
Your offered meal : Starter + Main Course to choose from the Main Menu

The Barr
Terlizzi (41km)
from 30€ to 60€
Your offered meal : Starter + Main Course to choose from the Main Menu

La Creperia
Giovinazzo (51km)
from 30€ to 60€
Your offered meal : Starter + Main Course to choose from the Main Menu

Excalibur Gastropub
Canosa di Puglia
less than 30€
Your offered meal : Starter + Main Course to choose from the Main Menu

Taverna dei Principi
Canosa di Puglia
less than 30€
Your offered meal : Starter + Main Course to choose from the Main Menu

Minervino Murge (16km)
less than 30€
Your offered meal : Starter + Pizza

EST - Vinum et Cibus
Andria (19km)
less than 30€
Your offered meal : Starter + Main Course to choose from the Main Menu

Andria (19km)
less than 30€
Your offered meal : Main Course + Dessert to choose from the Main Menu

Bisceglie (36.5km)
less than 30€
Your offered meal : Main Course + Dessert to choose from the Main Menu

Free State Ristopub
Ruvo di Puglia (36.5km)
less than 30€
Your offered meal : Starter + Pizza