Giardino Broquier Trani
Via Beltrani 17, 76125 Trani
Price : from 30€ to 60€
M | T | W | T | F | S | S | |
Lunch | |
Dinner | |
- Percorso di mare18€
- Baccalà, peperone arrosto, olive e bieta14€
- La nostra parmigiana di melanzane9€
Main courses
- Spaghettone, gambero rosso, bergamotto e mentuccia16€
- Branzino, zucchine fritte, misticanza e maionese alla nocciola17€
- Entrecote 200/300gr il suo ristretto e chips di patate22€
- Cheesecake al basilico, limoncello e Olio Evo7€
- Sorbetto al limone4€
- Dai, Tiramisù7€
This menu above is provided for information purposes only. The restaurant can modify it according to the season and the creativity of the chef.
This restaurant has just become partner with Restopolitan, its description will be soon put online.
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Further information
One of the guests must order for at least the same amount as the free menu.These are some examples that will explain to you the terms of the offer.
When your free meal is "starter/Main course", it means that minimum 2 persons must order 1 starter and 1 main course each.
The restaurant will discount the cheapest starter and the cheapest main course.
When your free meal is a "menu", one person must order the corresponding menu, and another one must order the same menu or another menu with an equal or superior price.)
When your free meal is "starter/Main course or Main course/Dessert", it's important that minimum 2 persons respect the same composition of dishes.
It means that if one person chooses "starter/main course" and the other one chooses "Main course/Dessert", the offer won't be applied.
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